The Big Move Continues
APT-E Split for the first time in nearly 30 years.
After nearly 30 years of being one, she really didn't want to come apart.
After 4 very long hard days, the job was completed.
TC1 was split and taken to Shildon, PC1 and PC2 were placed back to back, ready for there final move before loading.
Joint module floors removed, to gain access to the drawbars.
Side panels removed so dollies can be fitted.
NRM staff remove the tilt jack pins........and wonder why it fell over!!!!!
Ooooppppppssssss. We were not present when they removed the pins.
Tilt jack pin removed.
Just a nice powerful picture.
Kit, working on one of the tilt jacks.......Hmmmm not sure if he's done this before...HAHAHAH.
Yaw damper and semi removed pins.
Taper joint on PC1, free again, after all these years.
A job well done.
Low loading the E1/t.
Powercars, stand back to back......A first for E train.
Something amazing happened on the Saturday morning, David and Ruth Boocock come to see E train.
A pleasure to meet you both and thank you very much for your support.
For those who don't know, David is one of E Trains DADs.
Video clips of the split.
Click the above link to play or Right click and save.
Video size 6.6 mb.
Moving the E1/t out of the way.
Video size 400k.
The powercars are to be moved by rail into Thralls yard, and then low loaded.
Thanks to Steve Penny for some of the photographs.